#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME process_ppm_pipeline - process a pipeline of multiple PPM images =head1 SYNOPSIS process_ppm_pipeline convert_args.... Extra non-Imagemagick options: -help -manual =head1 DESCRIPTION Read from standard input a pipline of PPM images (pnmnoraw) and run the specified imagemagick convert arguments on them. The resulting image is then feed to the output as pipeline of normal PPM images. For example, process a very long video sequence... ffmpeg input.mpg -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm | pnmnoraw | process_ppm_pipeline -flip | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -vcodec jpeg output.mpg OR for GIF animations... convert animation.gif -coalesce -compress none ppm:- | process_ppm_pipeline logo.gif -gravity SouthEast -composite | convert - -layers Optimize -set delay 10 -loop 0 animation_new.gif The convert arguments should assume only one image has already been read into memory and should not provide a final output filename. =head1 WHY The reason this script is needed is that while "convert" and other ImageMagick commands can read a pipeline of PNM images, it will read ALL of the images into memory. This is not good if you are processing a video stream, as you would end up with the whole (huge) video, uncompressed, fulling memory. This program splits up the ASCII-PPM images and processes each image as it is seen. At no time is more than one image being handled. This program was created after a discussion on the IM Users Forum http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=18320&p=71150 =head1 FUTURE This script could be made better, by feeding the image directly into the convert command while it is still looking for the end of image to be found. That is without buffering the whole (single) image itself! Also with a little more savvy it could know exactly how many bytes needs to be read and passed on to the "convert" comamnd, using a binary (raw) PPM file format, without over-reading into the next image. In the same way, it could also be made handle a ImageMagick MIFF image format, allowing the complete image meta-data to be preserved with each individual image, and not just the basic image data. =head1 AUTHOR Anthony Thyssen 8 April 2011 A.Thyssen_AT_griffith.edu.au =cut # ----------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use FindBin; my $PROGNAME = $FindBin::Script; # Perl Pod Usage Method sub Usage { eval { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage ( @_ ); }; } # provide help Usage("$PROGNAME: No Arguments Found") unless @ARGV; Usage(-verbose => 1) if grep( /-+(\?|help)/, @ARGV); Usage(-verbose => 2) if grep( /-+manual/, @ARGV); # ----------------------------------------------------------------- my $image; sub run_convert { open(CVT, "|-") or exec( 'convert', '-', @ARGV, 'ppm:-'); print CVT $image; undef $image; close CVT; exit $? if $?; } $image = ; Usage "Input is not ASCII-PPM images! Did you forget to use 'pnmnoraw'?" unless $image =~ /^P3\s/; while ( ) { run_convert if /^P/ && $image; $image .= $_; } run_convert if $image; exit 0; # -----------------------------------------------------------------